Category: ABF Radio & Handyman
Ziggy the Border at 2 years old
This is our Ziggy: The noisiest dog we have ever had, loves to bark and have a conversation and argue with you. She wakes up first with yawning as loud […]
Is it important to do Marketing?
Is it important to do marketing? What do you think! Without marketing we may have no businesses at all. Businesses thrive with good marketing and advertising. Marketing should not be […]
Ziggy the conversationalist
Every morning when someone wakes up Ziggy barks and cries – especially crying – (the person just has to open their eyes and she may not be in the […]
Do you need a Website?
I don’t think it matters how big or small your company is, a website is your best marketing tool to have. Your website is one of the most important […]
Customer Service again…
Following on from another article I wrote about customer service. I am finding it lacking more and more. Here is an example. My fan in my all-in-one Dell computer started […]
Fibre – a Customers perspective
Ok, this is from the customer’s prospective only; twice I have been through this same experience, to face the same problems each time. We decided to get Fibre installed; it’s […]