Is it important to do marketing? What do you think! Without marketing we may have no businesses at all. Businesses thrive with good marketing and advertising. Marketing should not be […]
New VAs NEED to realize that they are no longer employees working for companies. As a VA you are a business owner and are running a real business. Too often […]
Training our border puppies. As each of our borders come home for the first time, as puppies, we first take them from the car to the garden and straight […]
We find that our borders do not always get the memo. You can see they understand but they don’t always follow what you want them to do, they rather do […]
Shaggy – 8 years old Shaggy, our short-haired border collie’s traits: Shaggy loves cuddles and hugs Very alert Loves his collar that he wears around his neck, makes him […]
I just want to mention a few hidden costs/needs/items that you may need when offering transcription as a service for clients: Transcription –You need to think about the services […]