I’m obsessed with Washing amongst other things


I’m waiting by the big white thing – I think I’ve heard them call it a Washer, I can hear the noise its making and I know when it’s finished, it gives a little tinkling sound, that’s it, time to go and tell my Mom it’s time to put the washing out.

I run into the room and peep around the corner, darn it, she didn’t see me, let me go and check the washer again, It’s definitely finished, let me go and tell her again. This time when I cry she looks up but still doesn’t come, so I went right beside her and nudged her with my nose and cried, she got the message. She is getting up. We’re off.

She says my favourite word “WASHING” and were off running, all three of us race to the end of the garden. I can beat them; I’m faster (I think). Darn it, I didn’t win this time, but I did get to nip at Shaggy’s leg and hurt him on the way. It’s his own fault, I should win not him, I am the fastest one in the family.

The mere mention of the word ‘Washing’ and we are off running outside ready again for the big race to the wall. Scooby is getting old now so she is no competition, but Shaggy, now he can run, but not as fast as me. Every time the washing goes out it must come in so that’s always another chance at a race.

We have this thing, we wait at the front door if someone is going out and then we all sprint to the gate, I’m always there first… I’m the fastest better runner, like usual, a quick nip here and there at them both and of course I can beat them. Of course I do lick it better afterwards if they let me, which isn’t often with Scooby but Shaggy doesn’t mind.


#Washing #Washingmachine #Wash #Dog #Dogs